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作者:56下载小编 来源:56下载 时间:2024-07-21 11:15:35

China has a rich history of board games, but perhaps none are more beloved than Chinese chess, also known as Xiangqi. The game boasts a large and dedicated fan base around the world, with its origins dating back centuries. One of the most important aspects of playing Xiangqi involves understanding the different types of pieces involved, and how they can be best used to secure victory.

How Many Pieces Are There in Chinese Chess?

If you're new to the game, one of the first things you'll need to learn is how many different pieces are used in Xiangqi. Overall, there are 32 pieces in total, with each player controlling 16. This includes 1 general, 2 advisors, 2 elephants, 2 cannons, 2 knights, and 5 pawns.

Understanding the Different Pieces

Now that you know how many pieces are used in Chinese chess, it's important to understand how each one works. First and foremost is the general, also referred to as the king. This is the most important piece on the board, and the ultimate goal of the game is to checkmate your opponent's general. The advisors, or mandarins, are positioned on either side of the general and can only move diagonally. The elephants move two spaces diagonally before changing direction to move one space diagonally, while the cannons can jump over other pieces but must have an enemy piece in between them and their intended target.

Finally, the knights move in an L-shape, while the pawns move forward one space at a time. Understanding how each piece moves, and how they interact with each other, is essential to becoming a skilled player of Xiangqi.

Tips for Playing Xiangqi

There are many different strategies one can use when playing Chinese chess, and the best approach will often depend on the strengths and weaknesses of both players. That being said, there are some general tips that can help you get started. First, focus on controlling the center of the board whenever possible. This will allow you to move your pieces more freely, and will make it harder for your opponent to do the same.

It's also important to be aware of potential threats to your general, as leaving it vulnerable can quickly lead to defeat. Finally, never underestimate the value of your pawns. While they may not be the flashiest pieces on the board, they can play a key role in blocking your opponent's movements and opening up new opportunities for your other pieces.

In Conclusion

Chinese chess is a fascinating and challenging game that requires skill, strategy, and a good understanding of the different pieces involved. Whether you're a seasoned player or just getting started, taking the time to learn the ins and outs of Xiangqi can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. So gather your pieces, find a worthy opponent, and see if you have what it takes to become a master of Chinese chess!





1. 将/帅:1个

2. 士/仕:2个

3. 象/相:2个

4. 马:2个

5. 车/俥:2个

6. 炮/砲:2个

7. 兵/卒:5个




1. 将/帅:只能在九宫格内活动,不能离开九宫格,可以直线走、斜着走,但只能走一步

2. 士/仕:只能在己方九宫格内活动,每次只能斜着走一格,不能离开九宫格

3. 象/相:只能走田字形,斜着走两格,必须绕路避开“象眼”,即两个将/帅纵横相对的位置

4. 马:必须先走一个田,再走直线,跳过自己的棋子和敌方棋子

5. 车/俥:只能直线走,可以横着走、竖着走,但不能斜着走

6. 炮/砲:炮走法和车一样,但吃子的时候必须隔一个棋子,被吃的棋子必须在炮跳过的位置上

7. 兵/卒:只能向前走,第一步可以走两个格子,过了河以后可以横着走了



1. 将/帅:是中国象棋中最重要的棋子,是游戏的核心,目的是将对方的将死掉,如果将死的话,游戏就结束了

2. 士/仕:主要是用来保护将,或者在对方将处做威胁

3. 象/相:用来压制对方的马和象,可以协助其他棋子攻击对方

4. 马:可以令对方无法正常布局,或者用来献子,牵扯对方棋子的注意力

5. 车/俥:是攻击力最大的棋子,可以打开局面,或者配合其他棋子一起进攻

6. 炮/砲:是攻击力次于车的棋子,需要辅助其他棋子才能发挥出最大的作用

7. 兵/卒:是中国象棋中最灵活的棋子,可以协助其他棋子一同进攻,也可以在必要时起到保护要塞的作用

